


We offer one-stop cross-border sourcing services, from supply chain management and product quality inspection to logistics, customs clearance, and payment settlement. Our expert team, with years of industry experience and top supplier resources, is dedicated to providing the best sourcing services to help clients expand into global markets.

One-stop cross-border sourcing solutions to help clients reduce costs, improve efficiency and quality, and manage global supply chains effectively.

Cross-border Procurement Service Content

Multinational Sourcing Services

Supply Chain Management

We can integrate and manage the global supply chain to enhance visibility and transparency, achieving cost control and efficiency improvements.

Product Procurement

We assist clients in finding qualified suppliers worldwide and support them in completing the procurement process, ensuring safety and compliance.

Quality Control

We emphasize quality control throughout the procurement process, auditing and evaluating suppliers to ensure that the products meet customer requirements and standards.

Logistics Management

We provide global logistics services, including international freight, customs clearance, warehousing, and distribution management, to ensure timely and accurate delivery of goods.

Payment Management

We provide various payment methods and settlement options to help clients complete financial transactions and settlements in cross-border trade.

Collection Services

We offer collection services to ensure the security of customer funds during transactions and help mitigate credit risk through professional processes.

Industry News

Providing up-to-date information on cross-border procurement.

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