
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) updates the guidelines for advance notification of imported foods

According to the U.S. Federal Register on October 12, 2023, the FDA officially issued Announcement No. 2023-22649, announcing its new version.Imported foodAdvance notice of the entry into force of the guide (fourth edition). This new guide contains some key updates that deserve the attention of importers and people in related industries.

First of all, even if the FDA has determined that a country's food regulatory system is equivalent to that of the United States, that country's food still needs to be notified in advance when it is imported into the United States. This means that the FDA treats all imported foods equally, ensuring that every batch of food has undergone strict inspection and review.

Secondly, importers now have more rights and interests for imported foods that the FDA believes need to be denied entry or detained for inspection. Specifically, if the FDA makes an unfavorable conclusion about a certain batch of food, the importer can apply to the FDA for re-examination within 5 natural days after receiving the notice. This provides the importer with an opportunity to appeal and correct, ensuring a fair and transparent review process.

This new version of the guide will be officially published in the Federal Register on October 13, 2023 and will take effect immediately. For companies and individuals who wish to import food into the U.S. market, it is essential to understand and comply with this new guide to ensure that their food can enter the U.S. market smoothly and be trusted by consumers.

Original announcement:Federal Register :: Prior Notice of Imported Food Questions and Answers (Edition 4): Guidance for Industry; Availability

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